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What Ministry at Work Looks Like When You're Remote

What Ministry at Work Looks Like When You're Remote

Now that everyone is working from home due to the global pandemic, Christians may be wondering what it might look like to engage co-workers in a remote setting. As someone who has been forced to work remotely since March 2020, I’ve had to figure out what ministry in the workplace looks like now.

Building Relationships with Gospel Purpose

Building Relationships with Gospel Purpose

Our lives often resemble the congestion of a busy highway—people passing by us at lightning speed, while we tightly grip the steering wheel of life trying to make sure we stay in our lane and don’t crash into anyone on our way to our intended destination. But God put us on this earth for the purpose of touching people and sharing with them the good news of the Gospel on our way to Heaven, our final destination. How do we do that gracefully without it feeling like we are just crashing into people as we fly through life? By merging into their lane of life with the use of some good on-ramps, or relationships.