Now that everyone is working from home due to the global pandemic, Christians may be wondering what it might look like to engage co-workers in a remote setting. As someone who has been forced to work remotely since March 2020, I’ve had to figure out what ministry in the workplace looks like now.
The Great Commission is not just a command to give the gospel. It is also a command to make disciples! I have found that a lot of churches are filled with Christian spectators, rather than disciplemakers. Each of us should evaluate our own life and ask the question, “Am I watching others do the work or am I personally doing the work?”
No task is too small. Even giving someone a cup of water can convey love. Jesus himself said as much. But if we are honest with ourselves, some things do seem too small. They seem beneath us. Humbling ourselves with small and seemingly unimportant tasks in service to others doesn’t mean we ourselves are small and unimportant. On the contrary, in Christ’s economy, it means we are great. And we are never more faithful in following Jesus than when we serve others.