



At Faith Baptist Church we believe Jesus died for us not only to save us from the penalty of our sins but also to transform our lives from the inside out. That’s why we strive to see people not only come to know Jesus as their Savior by trusting in Him but then to go on to grow and change step by step. That’s why we prioritize the truth of the Word of God for every age group—from the pulpit, in our various Sunday school classes, and in our personal relationships with one another.

We believe God designed each of us to grow spiritually not in isolation by ourselves, but with the help of other believers speaking truth into our lives through loving discipleship relationships. Mark 3:14 says of Jesus that He “ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.” The classroom Jesus chose in which to disciple his followers was not one with chairs, desks, and a lectern. He chose instead the classroom of everyday life as they spent time with him. Really good discipleship looks a lot like good, godly friendship in the routine of life between people who are striving to pull one another along in their walk with the Lord.

One of our favorite and guiding verses at Faith is Eph. 4:15, “But speaking the truth in love, [we] may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ.” In this verse we find what we like to call God’s “equation for transformation”— “truth + love + time + opportunity = transformation.” This “equation” helps guide us in our relationships here at Faith. We strive for close, godly friendships through which we can patiently speak truth into one another’s lives to help each other recognize and take next steps spiritually.