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How to Relate When You Cannot Date

How to Relate When You Cannot Date

With everyone in the house “stuck” together, the close proximity makes spending meaningful time with your spouse a challenge. What can you do? Here are a few helpful tips for spending time together during a pandemic.

A Little Marriage Counsel

A Little Marriage Counsel

Because each marriage contains two selfish people who fundamentally desire their “own way” (Isaiah 53:6), conflict between a husband and wife is inevitable. When those conflicts surface, we often encounter one or both of the following temptations: to respond to the conflict in a fleshly manner or to reconsider our marriage vows. Fleshly solutions never solve spiritual problems between two selfish people. Instead, commit to God and your spouse that you will strive to deal spiritually with every sinful issue that surfaces in your marriage.

Spiritually Strong Marriages

Spiritually Strong Marriages

Spiritually strong marriages do not occur naturally or accidentally. They require focused attention on obedience to God in the things He has required of us in marriage. Today, I’d like each married couple to think of the following three things. May they be a help to each of us as we strive to have spiritually strong marriages that glorify God…